Monday, March 14, 2016

Wait 'Til Your Daddy Gets Home!

You Wait 'Til Your Daddy Gets Home!

These words can be used in to very opposite ends of the emotional scale.  I can remember times when my Mom used these words.  It usually didn't mean that these words would fill my being with excitement, oh no, when I heard THESE words I knew she had had enough and was calling in reinforcements.  I knew that I needed to be on my best behavior and perhaps she would forget that she had said that.  She usually didn't but it was worth a try.  I remember praying that my parents would forget a promised spanking one time and it worked......amazing!  LOL

But on other occasions we would be looking out the window and waiting with excitement for the time to come when my Father would return after a long days work, a church meeting, an errand, visiting a church member etc.  Sometimes there would be a snow or ice storm and we were anxious to see him come home to know that he was safe.  We also wanted to see him because we missed and loved him.  

I didn't enjoy the times of anticipating his return when I knew that his discipline was in order.  First I was very sorry that I had done wrong but mostly that I had disappointed my Dad.  He was a very kind man and I never wanted to disappointed him.  But as any child will do, we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God, I did at times do bad things and I needed to be corrected.  So at those times I wanted my Dad to come home but I did not want to face what I was facing.  The wrong that I had done robbed me of the joy that I would have had if I had obeyed.  

So as it is when I come into His presence and invite Him to come home into our hearts.  I have to have a clean place for Him to take up residence in.  I cannot have any unforgiven sin in my life.  I have to repent of all the wrongs and the attitudes that I have allowed to creep into my life.  If I don't and I ignore my faults instead of giving them over to the One who made me and letting him cleanse my heart anew, then I will not be able to enjoy His presence when He comes.  I will still have guilt and sadness that will steal the joy that He wants me to experience.  And oh what joy it is when we come to Jesus daily, starting by asking Him to forgive us and then to bless us with His presence, His protection, and His provision.  What a blessed people we are that we can live with a clean heart and mind and then to have such an asset in Jesus!  He is amazing!  

Yes I want my Heavenly Father to come and make His home in me!  I need and want Him to take HIs residence there.  

Just a part of Pauline's Ponderings today
May God richly bless you!

Family Devotions, what a memory!

I'll Fly Away......What A Ride!!
Most amazing Daddy in the whole world!
Best "Gapa" in the world!